Probably the more successful way to motivate people is using humor. Humor makes people do things they even hate just for the sake of laughing about it. This is the premise used by a bunch of students of Psychology in Madrid as the basis of a curious experiment. If you think politics and poop are extremely related, you are going ... Read More »
Tag Archives: motivation
Simon Egenfeldt – “Why we prefer to not do Gamification at SGI”
Based in Copenhagen, Serious Games Interactive (SGI) has more than ten years of experience in Serious Games. The walls of their lovely, hip headquarters are proof both of the success of the company as well as of the creative minds behind it; covered in framed awards, diplomas and former customer logos…as well as multiple references to this fish blob. On ... Read More »
Elegy for a Dead World – Explore your writing skills in this inspiring serious game
Despite its melancholic name, there’s nothing mournful or sad about Elegy for a Dead World, an inspiring, visually charming serious game to explore your writing creativity and unleash your inner Shakespeare. PopCannibal and Dejobaan Games’ Elegy for a Dead World is a great example of how serious games can fire players’ creativity. In times when games are also valued because ... Read More »
Triskelion – Discover the Secret of Happiness and Productivity Playing
Do you feel like your life is full of tasks to do? Of promises to keep? Of dreams to be accomplished one day that never comes? You never have the time to do all of them. Probably not even 25% of what you intend to do every day. Productivity gurus have been preaching for a long time about the bad ... Read More »
Bounden – A two-players mobile game to make you dance
Willing to a dance? Bounden makes it easy for you or at least really fun. Pick up your phone, a partner and start moving around the room. The rules? Each of you will have to put one thumb on one side of the screen and keep it there. The screen shows a sphere and round markers around it. Your goal is ... Read More »
SuperBetter – When Serious Games can Give you a Longer Life
Serious Game Design has its superstar. If Serious Games were Pop Music, Jane McGonigal would be Madonna! If you still don’t know who Jane is, then you are a lucky one because you can watch her great TED talks for the first time! She speaks about games and how they can make a better world. She has been creating amazing ... Read More »
MAPPLE: Serious Games classified by Purpose
Serious Games classification usually deals with areas of appliance: Education, Health, Simulation, Gamification… The problem with this traditional method is that frontiers are really blurred. Where would you put a gamified e-learning that tries to improve children teeth-healthcare education? Like this one, there are hundreds of examples that don’t fit in a unique category. And why is this important? Because the ... Read More »