
Elegy for a Dead World – Explore your writing skills in this inspiring serious game

Despite its melancholic name, there’s nothing mournful or sad about Elegy for a Dead World, an inspiring, visually charming serious game to explore your writing creativity and unleash your inner Shakespeare. PopCannibal and Dejobaan Games’ Elegy for a Dead World is a great example of how serious games can fire players’ creativity. In times when games are also valued because ... Read More »

The Gamification of Life by Jesse Schell

In February 2010, professor Jesse Schell (Schell Games) gave an interesting, humorous but slightly apocalyptic talk at DICE Summit, where he illustrated the way in which games can –and will- affect our behavior in a future where we lead gamified lives and where all our actions are reward-based. Today, much has changed –but many of Schell’s thoughts are still undeniable. While at first ... Read More »

OpenGate, the “backstage” of IoT Solutions

Today’s world is constantly connected. Millions of devices gather data and thousands of companies interpret it to predict what will happen to act accordingly. This will affect all industries, including of course video games. But sometimes we forget about the “backstage” of this data sharing process: the platforms that retrieve data from devices and transform it to fit human scale. A ... Read More »

The Dancing Traffic Light: Gamifying waiting

In July 2014, Lisbon woke up to find a new guy in town: a dancer trapped inside the traffic lights. Like us, the little red guy inside the traffic light hates to wait. Imagine you are that figure. Always standing. Always alerting others to wait. Always receiving stern looks from the passerbies, forcing them to stop. He was sad. And ... Read More »

IoT and Serious Games: What is the connection?

What is the connection between IoT and Serious Games? How could one benefit from the other? We have been thinking a lot about the incredible sinergy that could appear between these two concepts and we are amazed about the possibilities. IoT is the short form of “Internet of Things” and a fashionable way of talking about machines connected to the internet. Which ... Read More »

Does playing GTA make you racist?

By now, a few of you might already be looking at this article with suspicious eyes. Is this another “video games are the devil” kind of article? Well, no, and yes. If we understand how traditional video games can get silently into our heads, we will be one step closer to apply the same techniques to Serious Games purposes. So, let ... Read More »

Playable Data: when Big Data meets Video Games

Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Every time you do something on the internet, data is produced. From booking a flight to just watching a youtube video about cute cats. Most of the time this data gets lost, sometimes they are archived but ignored and almost never, data is used wisely. Why are data so important? Because they tell a story: ... Read More »